How To Sell Anything? Know these Marketing Strategies

Sahil Wassan
5 min readDec 17, 2021


I came across this post on Instagram posted by Marketing Mind which suddenly grabbed my attention.

Now, for a second, just think what would be your strategy to sell a calculator in this modern technological age.

Thousands of people shared their ideas and some of them were really insightful and witty and I thought why not Make Hay While the Sun Shines. So, I shared my strategy and I’d like to share it here too.

Me, @bloggerwassan

I got a bunch of positive comments and I replied to the people who had their arguments against the strategy and later on, they were impressed too! What I want to say is YOU CAN SELL ANYTHING! With the apt marketing strategies, knowing what a customer wants to hear, is the key to sell.

Remember, You’re a Customer too

I mentioned this in an earlier blog:- “Before being a seller, you must know what it feels like to be a customer”. A customer doesn’t want to be forced to buy a product. He/she will only buy it when they want. It’s all about their choice. A customer’s mind is very predictable these days. He sees a non-branded T-shirt in a not-so-famous shop and he’ll walk past by it. But if you put the same T-shirt in a big store/showroom with the showroom’s name tag on it, BOOM, he’ll come running and pay more for the same. That’s how the world works today.

People don’t just want to shop when they go shopping. They want to feel like they’re in an aesthetic place where they’re shopping, looking around while enjoying the slow happy music playing in the background. From, a customer point of view, there’s no such obligation to wear branded clothes to be a part of “modern society”. But for a seller, you need to pull prominent strategies to keep the business running. Now, I’ll sell some items as examples with my marketing skills. I’d really like to know about your strategies in the response section below! You already know about selling a calculator now.

Let’s Start Selling

  1. Nokia 3310 and other Nokia phones
  • Remember when phones didn’t break and you didn’t lose kidneys to buy phones?
  • Don’t worry about your phone accidentally breaking while you talk to your loved ones.
  • Let’s bring the old times back. Let’s start the trend #NokiaKoYesKiya

2. A Ball Pen. (Let’s say company’s name is Unite)

  • Texting is Boring, Let’s write what you feel without any autocorrects!
  • Paper misses his best friend. Unite them with Unite, today.

3. Sell a 500 rupees T-Shirt happily

People like discounted prices. This is how a customer’s mind is manipulated. If you write 500 straightforward, people will just ignore it. Instead, put 800 rupees and give a 300 rupees discount. They’ll notice that the company’s giving discount on a T-Shirt and some might even judge the quality by it’s price. BOOM! SOLD!

4. A normal Diary( Let’s say company name is 123)

  • Trust the paper, trust 123!
  • Write what you feel. You don’t need passwords here!

In these catchy marketing lines, there’s so much to find.

Like when I wanted to sell a diary, I specifically used the word password so as to ensure the customer that there’s nothing to hide or protect your feelings when it’s in a diary. You don’t need passwords like in smartphones to have an additional protection to your ideas and stuff.

Inspiration Can Come From Anywhere

I recently started watching The Office TV show and it has been awesome! But a hunger for content never goes away and it actually filled up my stomach pretty good. For those of you don’t know, Michael Scott is the boss of a paper company called Dunder Mifflin and he made a superb commercial for selling their paper. But what struck me the most is when he uses this line — “Limitless Paper in a Paperless World”. It’s absolutely genius!

Source: IMAGE

The modern era of websites and smartphones, especially since the pandemic began, has reduced the use of papers. And this advertisement was made years ago and it still makes total sense. Dunder Mifflin provides you the best quality of paper in this paperless world i.e. the world of websites and technology. Inspiration can come from anywhere, you just need to be ready to get inspired at every step of your life.

The advertisement by Dunder Mifflin

Marketing the Market Strategies

  • Creativity is the ad fuel. It keeps the motor running.

Creativity shines in times of scarcity — Aashish Chopra, Writer, Fast, Cheap and Viral.

  • Know the psychological behavior of a customer. Customer happy, Business booming. Customer unhappy, Business Glooming.
  • Marketing establishes a name in the area. Show people who’s in the town by using one-line creative hoardings.
  • Market your best, customer is the rest.
  • Market your product through social media. Stay trendy, use the trending memes to grab the attention of the youth. Just like Zomato does on Twitter and on other platforms.
  • Differentiate yourself. Let them know why you’re different and unique.
  • Quality-assured product and prominent marketing skills made Apple what it is today. Now, Apple is selling a $19 cloth and people buy it. Why? All comes down to the brand and it’s logo. That logo alone costs you $19.
Source: Image

“It’s not what you sell that matters as much as how you sell it!” — Brian Halligan, CEO & Co-Founder, HubSpot

Creative Marketing is the ad fuel. It keeps the motor running.



Sahil Wassan
Sahil Wassan

Written by Sahil Wassan

Marketing | Photography | Travel | Music

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